Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dodo's Diary Disclaimer

Dodo's Diary - Live to Share..Share to Live -  ( is a personal collection of news and information-with pictures/drawings and intended for PRIVATE-Personal use only - sharing it freely amongst friend circles and like-minded people and NOT for business or profit.

The postings here may contain information that is confidential and may not be disclosed under any applicable law.

You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or duplication of these postings for any other purposes are not advisable and prohibited.

The views expressed here in the postings-re-postings are that of the writers-agencies only and Dodo's Diary does not hold any responsibility/ties of its correctness-genuineness.

If you have any comment/s, please notify me immediately by writing a mail to :

Thank you for your kind perusal.

- "Dodo" Kishalaya Namaram -

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